Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Proud Boys: Trying Crap In A Small Town

By Baxter

The results of today's election in Ohio are coming in, and with nearly a quarter of the votes counted, the "No" side is leading 70-30. Wow! Republicans may not be able to thwart the will of the people after all.

Meanwhile, here's a story that happened a little closer to home.

On Saturday, about 30 members of the seditious white supremacist group the Proud Boys marched in downtown Saratoga Springs, New York. They also held brief marches in the nearby towns of Waterford and Ballston Spa. The rallies were unexpected, but, at least in Saratoga, they weren't required to get a city permit. Still, they blocked traffic, parked illegally, and intimidated local business owners.

Why were they here? What were they trying to do? It's unclear. But it's racing season, and Saturday was a big day (something called the Whitney Stakes), so maybe they were just trying to get some attention. If so, they pretty much succeeded. We cats HISS.

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