Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Ron's Ripoff

By Baxter

Ron DeSantis has spent $13 million of Florida taxpayers' money in his hapless run for the GOP Presidential nomination. We cats don't even live in Florida any more, but this makes us want to hack up a hairball.

Note to the media — When a major party candidate for Florida Governor (say, Charlie Crist) asks his opponent in a debate to pledge he won't immediately turn around and run for higher office, you ought to pay attention. Particularly when the opponent refuses to answer.

Note to Charlie — When the opponent stays mum, the obvious follow-up question is this: "Since you have no trouble raising millions for your Presidential campaign, will you reimburse Florida 100 percent of the costs associated with the campaign you refused to admit you'd run?"

One more note to the media — Your next question to every Republican in the state legislature should be this: "What are you going to do about this $13 million bilking of Florida taxpayers?" We cats HISS.

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