Tuesday, September 5, 2023

22 Years In The Hoosegow

By Zamboni

We cats were hoping that Enrique Tarrio would get sentenced to more than 20 years in prison today, even though he wasn't physically at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. (He was barred from DC on January 5 for tearing down and burning a BLM banner from a Black church the month before. But if that judge hadn't banned him, you know he would have been leading the charge.)

And now, Tarrio is the "proud" (pun intended) owner of the longest January 6 sentence yet: 22 years. Yay! That'll teach him to try to cancel our vote (and 81 million others).

It's only Tuesday, and the day after Labor Day to boot, but the week is shaping up pretty well. With this sentence, Tarrio — who was mighty contrite in court this afternoon, by the way — won't see the light of day until he's in his 60s. Jury selection is underway for Peter Navarro, who, if he's convicted of contempt of Congress, could get locked up for a year. The Republicans' ridiculous redistricting map in Alabama was struck down. And in Texas, the Ken Paxton impeachment trial has begun. All great news.

Meanwhile, you have to wonder how the GOP would react if a whole bunch of Democrats had posed for selfies with a convicted felon and insurrectionist. The screaming would probably never stop — unless you take into account that their 2024 nominee for President will be one, too. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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