Wednesday, September 13, 2023

They All Knew.

By Zamboni

We cats read the Romney excerpt in The Atlantic today so you wouldn't have to. You're welcome.

It's a trip down bad memory lane with the usual cast of unsavory Republican characters, plus a dash of gratuitous Willard adoration thrown in. (Ick.) But Mitch McConnell, Lady Lindsey, JD Vance, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and of course Benedict Donald must be all pretty steamed about the details. (Ryan in particular shows up as his old weaselly self, urging Willard to acquit Trump in the first impeachment.) Nobody comes off very well.

But probably unintentionally — since the writer, McKay Coppins, is a fellow Mormon and obvious Mitt fan — Willard doesn't, either. After all, there's no indication that Romney did anything after McConnell ignored his text about January 6.

So... you text McConnell that you're worried, and he doesn't reply? There are such things called telephones, which people can use to actually speak to one another. Or, failing that, Romney could have caught up with his leader in the hallway, or pulled him aside at a caucus meeting, or scheduled a one-on-one. Instead, the Capitol was indeed stormed, and cops were mauled within an inch of their lives. (Ironic since it was a Capitol Police officer, Eugene Goodman, who saved Romney's life by directing him away from the Trumpy mob.)

You can just imagine how Officers Goodman, Gonell, Fanone, Dunn and Hodges reacted to this when they heard. But then, Willard never fails to disappoint, does he? We cats HISS.

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