Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Canada Is All Right

By Zamboni

Wow, remember when Ottawa was just a charming little Western capital where nothing much really happened? That was before right wingers in Canada decided their would try to import MAGA-style politics to the True North. Last year's "trucker convoy" was one of their first shots across the bow, and now its organizers are on trial for terrorizing the city for three weeks.

Their latest ploy is a nationwide series of "parents' rights" protests against the LGBTQ community's supposed "indoctrination" of children in Canadian schools (They're super-worried about the "T" in LGBTQ, but there are lots of accusations of "grooming" going on, too.) This was started by a small bunch of religious parents who are allied with Focus on the Family. Surprised?

The good news, though, is that counter-protesters are outnumbering anti-LGBT demonstrators in cities across Canada. NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has joined the pro-gay forces on the streets of Ottawa, and the city's mayor, among a zillion other politicians including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, has tweeted his support for LGBTQ kids. School boards in Toronto, Ottawa, and other cities have also made statements of support for students and families wrestling with gender-identity issues. What most striking is how Trumpy these "parents' rights" people look — down to the red hats and everything.

Over the past several months, there have been plenty of disturbing images of Canadian children with their parents at right-wing events, giving the Nazi salute, waving swastikas, or stomping on Pride flags. You really have to wonder who's doing the indoctrinating here. We cats HISS.

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