Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We're Not Paranoid, But...

By Sniffles

Since we don't have thumbs, we cats generally don't work at computers. (We dictate this blog to our human.) But we're interested to hear that some folks had a hard time this morning accessing information about U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich and his articles of impeachment against George W. Bush.

According to today's Capitol Briefing blog at The Washington Post, "Kucinich's re-election campaign issued a statement this afternoon saying that its Web site 'was shut down this morning by a series of suspicious and fast-moving events several hours after Kucinich introduced 35 Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush.' The site appears to be working fine now. The campaign statement suggests the problem might have been a result of 'external tampering,' though it also seems possible the site was simply overwhelmed with traffic."

Now, when we read things like this about Representative Kucinich, we usually purr indulgently. "Oh, dear Dennis — never a dull moment with that lad." But we must say that we know personally of another case. This morning, a friend of our human had trouble linking to the AP's impeachment story. Every time he tried to click on it, it quit.

Of course, he was desperately searching the Web for information because the T.V. news folks were ignoring Kucinich completely. So we HISS in their direction. Sure, maybe they think our Dennis is a nutbag, and maybe they've written him off. But if they'd done their jobs in the first place, maybe the Bush Administration wouldn't have been able to lie us into war.

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