Monday, March 30, 2009

Lawton Chiles is Spinning in His Grave, and That's Probably Okay

By Zamboni

So Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia has signed legislation creating a "Choose Life" specialty license plate in that state. And abortion rights supporters are furious.

To which we cats say two things.

"Choose Life" license plates are stupid. And, big woo.

We feel we know whereof we speak, because we've spent a lot of time in Florida. Once, there was a governor in the Sunshine State named Lawton Chiles. He was an old-time cracker Democrat who was not exactly a poster boy for the choice movement. But when it came to the "Choose Life" plate, Lawton Got It. Every time it was passed by the increasingly Republican state legislature, he vetoed it. If our memories are correct, he vetoed it a couple of times.

Then, of course, Lawton dropped dead of a heart attack as he was exercising in his private gym. And Jeb Bush was elected Governor the next time, and "Choose Life" plates are now available in Florida. (By the way, as you can see, they're really, really ugly. Serves 'em right.)

But you know what? Abortion is still legal. And we've just been through the worst eight years of our lives. If the procedure has survived those eight years — and if President Obama gets a couple of Supreme Court nominations — it'll survive without government interference for many more years to come.

So let the anti-choicers have their stupid symbolic plates. We'll take the right to choose, thanks.

And as for Tim Kaine, we say, confusion to the enemy!


Anonymous said...

How on earth can you be so glib about what you refer to as the "right to choose"? You people just don't get it, do you? Abortion is the (yes, legal)taking of a human life - Ronald Reagan pointed out that all the people for abortion were already born. Let me guess - you also think that waterboarding is torture, too, right? After all, this is the chic, vogue, in, party line stand. Have you ever thought about the obvious inconsistency of being against waterboarding(...which we have often done to our own military guys) and for abortion (the taking of a human life). But just go ahead and follow the rest of the sheep - don't think for yourself - and maybe everything will be all right anyway.

The Cat's Meow said...

Dear Person (If Indeed You Are a Person):

Why do we cats suspect that you are not an individual responding to our post, but rather some mass-produced comment thingy created by an anti-choice organization? You did not reference the Virginia "choose life" license plates, or for that matter anything specific about our original remarks. Instead, you quote Ronald Reagan (Ronald Reagan!) and set up a straw man argument about waterboarding whose premise we do not accept. Ah, well. Our point, once again, is this: Anti-choicers can keep their silly symbolism (protesting against President Obama's commencement address at Notre Dame springs to mind). We'll keep the individual freedoms that are enshrined in law — and, we presume, that will be protected for years to come.