Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oh, and "Life, Liberty, etc." are in the Declaration of Independence — not the Constitution, You Idiot

By Baxter

We cats are loving the Rush Limbaugh tangle that the Republican Party is caught up in — and if we could, we'd laugh at Limbaugh's, er, rush to play into the hands of that very smart former Congressman and ballet dancer who sits about three steps away from the President of the United States.

To that end, we hope that every Republican elected official is asked to agree or disagree with the following statement: Do you want the President to fail, too? Because that means the country fails. No dithering or evading, Governors Jindal, Palin, Sanford, et. al. — just a simple yes or no. (It would be nice if they could be asked to accurately quote the preamble to the Constitution, too.)

But underlying our glee is a total puzzlement about the whole Limbaugh phenomenon. Not that we don't understand how he came to command the airwaves after the death of the Fairness Doctrine. We just can't imagine why the working-class, retired-military and trailer-park folks who post over at Free Republic worship him so.

After all, Limbaugh is a thrice-divorced, hate-spewing prescription drug addict whose behavior hardly conforms to Christian values. But even over and above that, he has nothing in common with the Freeps. He doesn't live in their world, and has no concept of their economic struggles. Last year, he signed a $400 million contract with Clear Channel Communications to renew his show.

Perhaps one day a Freeper will explain all this to us. In the meantime, we hope someone asks Jim Bunning how long Limbaugh has to live. He's gained all his weight back and more, and at CPAC, he looked like he had trouble breathing. Something very unhealthy is going on.

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