Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Made in Heaven

By Baxter

Levi Johnston, that famous Alaska son of a meth dealer, is sticking with the charade that his relationship with Governor Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol didn't just consist of a few blow jobs and a one-night stand.

(Sorry to be vulgar, but this story involves vulgar people. And sometimes we cats just have to call 'em like we see 'em.)

The 19-year-old father of Bristol's child, a mere child himself, told ABC News that the engagement was off because they "needed time to grow up," and "I'd like to get back together with her." Um-hmmmmmm.

The knee-jerk dunces on the Republican right, for whom Sarah and her family can do no wrong, might buy this line. But we cats aren't fooled. We knew the minute we saw the bewildered Mr. Johnston at the Republican Convention that this marriage was so not going to happen.

Too bad these crazy kids weren't spayed and neutered before it was too late — or at least given some intelligent education on birth control. Oh, well. Maybe the baby will grow up, rebel, and become a Democrat.

(Excruciating Photo: Getty Images)

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