Tuesday, February 16, 2010

August 2001: Just "Dicking" Around

By Zamboni

We cats are back from a lovely weekend in our favorite kitty resort. But over the Presidents' Day holiday, a headline caught our eye and made us HISS.

It was a quote from The Worst Person Who's Ever Lived (If Indeed He Were a Person), otherwise known as "Dick" Cheney. We cats never thought this aptly named, horrendous individual could get any worse, but he has. It's amazing how Republicans are able to do that.

Going after President Obama for "not recognizing" that the country is at war, Cheney said, "It's the mindset that concerns me ... when you destroy 16 acres of Manhattan, kill 3,000 Americans, blow a big hole in the Pentagon. That's an act of war."

We cats have one thing to say about that. And here it is.

You know what, Mr. Dickhead? Maybe if you and that Gomer Pyle the Supreme Court put in the Oval Office had bothered to read that frickin' Presidential Daily Brief of August 6, 2001, you would have recognized that we were at war — and those 3,000 Americans wouldn't have died.

Just a thought.

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