Thursday, February 18, 2010

Grammar, Not Golf

By Baxter

Just in case you think we cats have been falling down on the job (because we've been horribly busy lately — more on that later), we have a quick post on grammar tonight.

Specifically, that we are sick and tired of communicators who can't speak English making tons more money than we do.

Latest case in point: Tiger Woods' agent — who we think garners about 10 percent of everything the sex-addled golfer makes — who said the following in his announcement of tomorrow's non-press-conference press conference:

"While Tiger feels that what happened is fundamentally a matter between he [sic] and his wife, he also recognizes that he has hurt and let down a lot of other people who were close to him."

We cats suppose that this guy never met a preposition that needed an objective case pronoun. We HISS and SNARL.

Oh, and to all you Olympic reporters out there: Can we please stop using "medal" as a verb?

Thank you, and good night.

(IMAGE: There's no way to properly illustrate a grammar-related rant, but this picture of the newest leopard cubs at the National Zoo is cute as the dickens. So we went with that.)

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