Monday, March 29, 2010

Aiding and Abetting

By Sniffles

Goodness, we cats have been offline for a few days. But that's only because we've been unpacking boxes (and playing with the shredded packing paper and exploring our new house). However, our extreme busyness hasn't prevented us from catching a headline or two.

Specifically, about the teabaggers' growing propensity for violence.

We cats have always noticed that the teabaggers include some of America's more unsavory elements — casual racists, dedicated white supremacists, gun nuts, social outcasts. Many of them, we suspect, are government-haters who are living off Medicare, unemployment insurance or some other form of institutional aid. While that grimly amuses us, it also drives us crazy that they're too stupid to appreciate the irony.

But the wave of death threats, bricks through windows, racial epithets and nooses bothers us to no end. We cats SNARL — and state here and now that since the Republican Party is trying to figure out a way to hold these reprobates to their collective breast, should (God forbid) anything happen, we will consider the GOP and its leaders responsible.

Meanwhile, as for the teabaggers' recent gathering in Searchlight, Nevada: good heavens, but Sarah Palin's voice sounded shrill. We're certain that it reminded all those right-wing guys who want to get into her pants of their wives.

(IMAGE: "The Ox-Bow Incident," 1943)

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