Wednesday, February 9, 2011


By Miss Kubelik

We cats were minding our own business this morning, driving around Northern Virginia, when we chanced upon a car with this bumper sticker in its back window.

We tried to imagine what would compel anyone to display a sentiment like this. After centuries of advantages thanks to their skin color (and probably to their gender), they're feeling aggrieved?

Maybe they simply feel surrounded. Recent census data show that, with an influx of Asians, Hispanics and blacks, Prince William County has become a majority-minority jurisdiction.

But wait, here's the irony: This racist teabagger's car aerial also flew the Stars and Stripes. Which, of course, was in tatters.

We almost stopped to ask the driver why he had no respect for the American flag. But since we didn't want to get shot, we decided that although we are cats, it would be prudent to FIDO.

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