Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lest We Furr-get: GOP Dishes It Out, Can't Take It (Part 2)

By Baxter

So, Willard Mitt Romney can't give an interview to "Meet The Press" without his wife's help?

Never mind. We cats are still grinning like Cheshires, though, over a comment Ann Romney made to David Gregory. Her husband, she lamented, "really has been demonized."

Poor widdle Willard! How amazing that Republicans are suddenly all umbrage-y and offended. Here are just a few of the insults that President Obama has endured over the years:
  • "The most successful food stamp President in American history"
  • "Represents as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany"
  • "You lie"
  • "Kenyan anti-colonial behavior"
  • "Like touching a tar baby... you get it, you're stuck"
  • "We have a President that is a socialist"
  • "Skinny ghetto crackhead"
  • "Represents everything bad about humanity"
  • "I told him to suck on my machine gun"
  • "Very anti-American"
  • "Palling around with terrorists who would target their own country"
  • "Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term"
Fortunately, the President seems to have a healthy way of coping with all this. Which makes us cats PURR.

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