Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pawlenty Self-Deports

By Sniffles

You know your Presidential campaign is in trouble when your co-chair quits seven weeks before Election Day.

That's right — the ever-distasteful Tim Pawlenty is fleeing Willard Mitt Romney for a high-paying job at The Financial Services Roundtable. (The what, you ask? Well, the Roundtablers are folks who want less regulation on the banks that helped take the US to the brink of economic disaster a few years ago. Let's just say they aren't big fans of Elizabeth Warren.)

We cats wonder: When was the last time a national co-chair pink-slipped himself before the job was done? We haven't seen such a spectacular example of GOP towel-throwing since the famous you-know-what from Alaska did it in 2009.

And we cats also want to know: How long was the Roundtable job search? Was Pawlenty interviewing with the bankers during the VP selection process? Hm!

In the meantime, we hope that "T-Paw" does for banks what he did for bridges in Minnesota!

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