Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Woe Is Willard: 47 Percent Edition

By Zamboni

There's a famous quote popularly attributed to Humphrey Bogart: "I don't trust any bastard who doesn't drink. They're afraid of revealing their true selves."

Well, Willard Mitt Romney has just proven that a Mormon who doesn't drink can reveal his true self — in spades.

A video has surfaced from a tony Boca Raton fundraiser in May, in which Romney tells his well-heeled audience that those of us who voted for President Obama are lazy, shiftless moochers who don't believe in taking responsibility for our lives.

In case you ask, the answer is yes, we cats are offended.

Not that we need to justify our existence to a soulless zillionaire, but we are responsible citizens. We get up very early every morning to work, typically, a 15-hour day. We've richly earned the support we will someday receive from government programs like Social Security and Medicare. And, oh — we've paid lots of taxes, Willard: hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth, which, now that you mention it, we'd love to have back. But we agree with Oliver Wendell Holmes that taxes are the price of civilization.We wish you rich jerks would pay more.

Willard, his hair surprisingly unkempt, frantically tried to explain all this last night. But he didn't seem contrite. Hm.

We started this post by suggesting that in this video, Willard revealed his true self. But does he have a true self? It's hard to know. In the meantime, considering the effect that this tape is going to have on his campaign, we suggest that he start drinking.

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