Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Freepers Have A Sad (And An Anti-Christie Mad)

By Baxter

Having mentioned the report that Chris Christie refused to campaign in Virginia for Ken "I Still Haven't Called Terry McAuliffe to Concede" Cuccinelli, we cats simply had to check on our paranoid right-wing friends over at Free Republic to see how they were handling the news.

'Cuz see, despite all the oohing and aahing in the press about Christie 2016, we don't see how Big Boy gets the Republican nomination when the crazy base of his party simply hatehatehates him.

And things haven't changed. Here are some of the choicer Freep comments — and we're not sure how the Newly Anointed Savior of the GOP works around them. We cats PURR.

"Outside of New Jersey, he's nothing!"

"ChristieKream is just a fat narcissist sucking on the RNC teat."

"Who the hell wants that fat slob slobbering all over Virginia anyhow?"

"Fatass will never get my vote."

"I will not vote for Christie. He is dead to me."


"Now that he has helped thow a true conservative under the bus he can count on me actively working against him if he runs for national office."

"This pig will never get a vote for me. I don’t care if he ends up running against Hillary or the reincarnation of Hitler himself....I’ll never do it."

"I can think of no situation where I would vote for this a-hole Christie. He is the GOP's Obama, a narcissistic know-it-all who hates conservatives. It would simply be 4-to-8 more years of a president flipping the bird to conservatives/the Tea Party. No, thank you."

"If that worthless tub of guts get the nomination I won’t even go to the polls to vote!"

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