Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The New Coke Brother

By Zamboni

We cats heard the news about Trey Radel today and immediately thought about that CPACker we met while passing through Union Station last month.

Why? Because after she tried to strike up a conversation and figured out she wasn't going to change our minds about anything, Ms. CPAC turned to talk to the person on the other side of her. The two of them agreed that it would be just swell if people on unemployment compensation were required to take drug tests.

(Never mind that workers on unemployment have earned those payments through previous payroll deductions. Ms. CPAC and her new pal still thought those folks needed to pee in a cup.)

So, we're wondering how she feels about Trey, the Republican Congressman who just pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine. Cocaine! And he cast votes in Congress on the same day he was arrested!

Gosh, that takes moxie. But not nearly as much moxie as insisting that Americans in the food-stamp program should also be tested for drugs. Which Trey Radel has said they should do.

Incredible. Just when we think the Republicans can't possibly reach new heights of hypocrisy, they do. If you're a paycheck-to-paycheck US citizen who falls on some temporary hard times, the GOP wants your urine. But if you're a member of Congress who needs a fix? That's okay. (And you only get a year's probation? While other Americans get life for shoplifting?)

We cats realize that late-night comics will have a field day with ol' dog Trey and his CPACker fans. But right now, all we can think of is the unfairness of it all. So we not only HISS. We SNARL.

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