Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy Bad Birthday, Scott Walker

By Sniffles

We cats were out canvassing in Woodbridge, Virginia, for Terry McAuliffe today. So, busy as we were, it wasn't until we got home that we realized that Ken "Unions Should Only Be Legal If Fetuses Can Belong To Them" Cuccinelli was also in Woodbridge, campaigning with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

Gosh! How did we miss them? They had all of 100 people there!

And that's not all: Prior to greeting that teeming mob, Cootchy and Mr. Cross-Eyes held an event in Spotsylvania, which attracted — GASP! — 150 attendees!! And they sang "Happy Birthday" to Scotty — who, after traveling 1,000 miles to speak to only 250 voters, was probably longing to be beamed up.

We cats think it's only fitting. After all, how do you decide to hold a rally in union territory (Woodbridge) with organized labor's bete noire? And how do you decide to take Walker to a Republican area (Spotsylvania) and not be able to turn out a respectable crowd?

We rarely desire to be anything but cats — but we would have loved to have been a fly on the wall, just to hear Walker rip into the Cootch for being so pathetic.

You heard it here first: Come 2016, somebody will turn to Walker in a GOP primary debate and say, "But you could only draw a few hundred people in Virginia three years ago!" We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: Remember this Romney rally? How Republican history does repeat itself.)

UPDATE: The Washington Post reports that fewer than 100 people turned out to see Cootchy and Bobby Jindal in Bristow last week! Goodness gracious. We hope that as chair of the Republican Governors Association, Bobby is ready to explain all of this.

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