Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cat Fight! Republicans vs. Republicans vs. Republicans vs. Republicans

By Zamboni

Wow! Remember our rule for the Current State of the Political World?

It boils down to one thing: Would we cats rather be Us (Democrats) or Them (Republicans)? Now, we're sure that someday, somewhere, sometime, the forces of nature will shift, and the GOP will once again be ascendant. That's just the way of the universe — the pendulum swings. But goodness gracious, it sure isn't swinging yet. And we are so glad we're Us.

What else can happen? The Republicans are publicly imploding over a budget deal that their 2012 VP nominee just crafted with a mom in tennis shoes. The Breitbart nuts are livid over the firing of Paul Teller from the Republican Study Committee. The Freepers are tied up in knots over Ted Cruz's presence at the Mandela memorial. And last but not least, a top aide to Senator Lamar Alexander was just arrested for possessing kitten porn.

(Oops, we meant child porn, but you knew that. Can they go any lower? Sure, if it turns out that the guy belonged to a Republican Child Porn Committee. There might be one, you know.)

Oh, and more people are signing up for Obamacare. So, since the GOP's prospects seem so bleak, we just have one other question: Will Paul Ryan get a primary challenge? We can't believe we're asking that, but then again, we can. We cats PURR.

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