Thursday, August 7, 2014

Let's Have A War On Whiners

By Baxter

Yes, we know. We cats have been salivating so much over that scrumptious McDonnell drama taking place down in Richmond that we've ignored the Republicans' other Virginia kerfuffle. Well, no longer.

And yep, it's about Republicans hating on people who don't look like them. The same week that the GOP is withering under the weight of Mo Brooks and his inane "war on whites," State Party Treasurer and Muslim-maligner Bob FitzSimmonds has finally resigned his position — with much grousing, of course.

"I will either need to stop posting on social media or step down from my party office," FitzSimmonds whined, after his Facebook rant (above) caused an uproar.

And wouldn't you know it, this jackass is from our very own Prince William County. (Which means his blood must boil every time he drives around, because PWC is a total melting pot of minorities. There's even an Islamic center down the road a piece.) If we could figure out where FitzSimmonds lives, we'd knock on his door and present him with a copy of all the nice things George W. Bush said about Muslim contributions to American society a few years back.

No doubt about it: Between the money-grubbing, Rolex-cadging and designer-clothes-begging that the McDonnell trial has revealed — Brooks's mewling about put-upon white people — and FitzSimmonds's stunned response to the sensible rejection of his racism — the party against entitlements is feeling mighty entitled. And boy, do they get mad when they're called out! We cats PURR.

(UPDATE: Incredibly, in real life FitzSimmonds is deputy clerk of the Prince William County circuit court. The pressure is starting to build on Court Clerk Michele McQuigg to fire him. If you agree, send her an email here.)

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