Sunday, September 28, 2014

Member Of The Wedding

By Baxter

Calling David Brock! It might be time to start a "Media Matters" site north of the border.

Here's why: Until the other day, we cats were blissfully unaware of the existence of a buffoon named Ezra Levant, who works for the Sun News Network in Canada. Sun is a fellow traveler of FOX "News" here in the US, but clearly is jealous that its reach in the True North nowhere near matches that of Roger Ailes. So it employs morons like Levant, whose job is to say provocative things and grab some headlines.

Last week, for example, he accused Liberal leader Justin Trudeau of barging into a wedding photo uninvited. Then, bizarrely, Levant proceeded to spend the rest of his on-air time bashing Pierre Trudeau's sex life. Yep, that Pierre Trudeau — whose Prime Ministership most Canadians today don't personally remember, and who's been dead for 14 years. Hm.

(Meanwhile, in case you're worried, the bridal party smacked Levant down, big time — making it very clear that they invited Justin, who was attending a Liberal party meeting in the same hotel, to get in on the photographic fun. Sheesh.)

Whatever side of the 49th parallel they're on, right-wing nutjobs just can't resist the personal attack, can they? We all know, of course, that it means they got nuthin'. But we cats still HISS.

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