Wednesday, September 24, 2014

United They Scam

By Sniffles

As America approaches the first anniversary of the launch of Obamacare, we cats suddenly found ourselves staving off a shakedown by our employer-based health insurer.

This hairball-inspiring company is chomping at the bit to get us to sign up for its mail-order prescription medication delivery — not because it saves us money or is more convenient than going to the pharmacy, but because it helps make big bucks for them. We cats have already disenrolled from this "offer" twice (and we'll have to do it again in a year). But the snail-mailings keep coming.

Today's was a vague threat that if we didn't sign up for the mail service, we might have to pay full price for an expensive drug we take. Needless to say, we gave the hapless phone rep, who was unable to do anything but babble from a script, a piece of our mind.

But the whole experience made us wonder: How are folks enrolled in Obamacare who have just gotten medical coverage for the first time in their lives navigating through such sales scams? They must be utterly bewildered (and, we hope, not hoodwinked by scare tactics).

Now, don't get us wrong. It's always better to have health insurance than to go without, and the Affordable Care Act is a success. But experiences like today's make us cats pine for the single-payer option. Could negotiating a National Health Service — like, say, Canada's — really be more stressful than dealing with these money-grubbing insurers? We cats HISS.

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