Friday, April 24, 2015

Tidbits And Cat Treats: GOP Homosexual Tendencies Edition

By Sniffles

Ah, those Republicans and their "gay" problems. Even though Rick Perry has tried to claim that the GOP is enduring a bunch of "gotcha" questions from the Christian-haters in the liberal media, the 2016 wannabes are still caught up in trying to out-Jindal one another. Here are a couple that have caught our eye lately.
First, we were wondering how were our friends over at Free Republic were reacting to Rafael Cruz's statement at a gay-hosted reception in New York that he would love his daughters even if they turned out to be lesbians. Unsurprisingly, their comments boiled down to this: "I would never not love her, but at the same time not agree with her choice [sic]." But, wait — what are two prominent gay businessmen doing, inviting Ted Cruz over in the first place?

Then we were wondering how the Freepers felt about Cruz missing that vote on Loretta Lynch. That one was a bit harder for them to excuse. Here's our fave: "VERY DISSAPOINTED [sic] IN TED! As a Texan I must ask him, had he been at the Alamo, would he have not fought till the end? VERY DISSAPOINTED [sic]!"

(So glad to see that those Texas schools are teaching spelling so well.)

Finally, as long as we're on the subject of crazy Republicans and the gay thing, we just have to say: Fat Mike Huckabee was never our favorite person. But at least he wasn't the utter whackjob that other passengers of the GOP clown car were. As Arkansas governor, he stepped up to the plate after Hurricane Katrina, and he commuted a lot of prison sentences. And since he had to deal with a Democratic legislature, he actually had to govern.

Now, though, obsessed with hating on homosexuals, Huckabee has gone totally off the deep end. (He must know that the Freepers don't cotton to him much.) Still, like Cruz, we cats expect he'll give the GOP establishment a lot of headaches in 2016. Which makes us PURR.

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