Friday, March 25, 2016


By Miss Kubelik

We all know how devout and holier-than-thou Republicans are, especially their crazy teabag base. They're the ones who are passing ridiculous laws against gays (in North Carolina) and women needing abortions (in Indiana) — because golly gosh, in the GOP's view, if those evil folks would just turn to Jesus, everything would be great. And we're sure that today, they're all flocking to church — since it's Good Friday.

Except for their leading Presidential candidates, who are furiously tweeting against each other's wives, alleging extramarital affairs, and slinging silly names like "henchmen" and "sniveling coward." (We cats had no idea anyone used those terms outside of The Perils of Pauline, but hey.)

What a way to spend the day on which their Lord died for their sins. It strikes even us as unseemly. And it caps off a week that, thanks to Robert Bentley, was already kinda embarrassing for them. So we can just imagine how Rancid Pieface and the Republican elite feel about the state of their so-called party. How in the world are they going to nominate a candidate and unify behind him after all this?

Thanks very much, GOP, but we Democrats are glad to stick with our side — the grownups. In the meantime, if you're feeling a little down about all this, we can only suggest you take Monty Python's best advice: Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life. (And PURR.)

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