Friday, March 11, 2016

Lest We Furr-get: Reagan's Silence Equaled A Lot Of Death

By Miss Kubelik

It seems that every time a Reagan checks out, America must collectively lose its mind. Thankfully, now that Nancy's gone, we cats can only hope that we're done.

But until today's big funereal confab in Simi Valley, we thought that the mind-losing was confined to the Republican Party and the nation's obeisant news media. This morning, though, we discovered that it also extended to Hillary Rodham Clinton, who praised Ronnie and Mommy for leadership on stem-cell research and — eek! — on HIV/AIDS.

NOT. We all remember how the Reagans not only didn't "start a conversation" on AIDS — they ignored the disease for years while thousands of Americans (their friend Rock Hudson among them) suffered and died.

So Hillary was dead wrong on that. Sadly, thanks to the Reagans, all those folks with AIDS are simply dead.

Clinton took it back, and should have. But she wasn't the only HRC who goofed on the LBGT front today: The Human Rights Campaign endorsed Mark Kirk. We wonder when Chad Griffin & Co. will realize that even when they misspeak, Democrats will always be their better friends. We cats HISS.

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