Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Feeling Impotent

By Sniffles

Ever since we cats heard that prior to The Big Endorsement last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Christie sat down for a friendly visit with Mr. and Mrs. Trump, we've been trying to picture how that oddest of odd couples, Mary Pat and Melania, got along. What on earth did they have to say to each other?

But those aren't the only questions buzzing around in our brains this Day After Super Tuesday. Specifically, we're wondering how the GOP has gotten to the point where this week, pundits and talking heads were openly speculating that The Worst Person Who's Ever Lived could turn out to be the last Republican President, ever.

And then there's this: Isn't this GOP the same GOP that stole, with no regrets, the 2000 Presidential election — denying the popular-vote winner, disenfranchising minorities, staging a phony Brooks Brothers riot in Florida, and getting five states'-rights-supporting Supreme Court justices to shut down the vote by denying that state's rights? And now they can't figure out how to engineer their own nominating process to stop an usurper?

This is 2016. The Republican Party has had 16 years of legislating to restrict the franchise — 16 years of gerrymandering state and federal legislative districts to elect officeholders who will do the party's bidding. They've got many more secretaries of state denying people the vote. They've got Citizens United. They've gutted the Voting Rights Act. They have a bigger, badder and broader infotainment "news" network to do their bidding. And up until two weeks ago, they had a much more conservative Supreme Court to rubber-stamp everything they want.

And they're powerless against Donald Trump?

We cats are amazed. But we're grateful that the GOP has so brilliantly demonstrated how not to run against this guy. It could come in handy this November. Which makes PURR.

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