Friday, April 14, 2017

Stop! In The Name Of Love

By Zamboni

Since we were kittens, we cats have always been concerned about what the rest of the world thought about the United States of America. The international community matters to us. After all, we're all in this together. And we will either sink or swim together.

So we are pleased that, on this Good Friday night — when Christians celebrate their Messiah's own execution — at least six of the eight prisoners scheduled to die in Arkansas's upcoming capital-punishment spree have been granted stays.

When we first heard about this Arkansas story, we got wildly depressed. Oh, great, we thought: Not only is our country now headed by a narcissistic manchild, one of our states is going on a murderous tear, planning to kill eight death-row prisoners in 11 days. What must the rest of the world think of us?

But Pulaski County circuit judge Wendell Griffen issued a temporary restraining order, and sanity has briefly reigned. Maybe we can all pretend that the US has not sunk into the abyss of idiotic depravity. Maybe.

In the meantime: Sorry, Asa Hutchinson. You won't be able to preside over the most unprecedented series of executions by a state ever. Does that make you sad? If so, too bad. We're relieved that although the US may be dropping huge bombs on Afghanistan — and pricking the ego of that other nuclear-armed child-narcissist in North Korea — at least this bloodthirsty plan in Arkansas appears to have hit a snag. Clinging to civilization, we cats PURR.

(IMAGE: "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life." Kind of tough to do these days, but we cats are trying.)

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