Thursday, November 30, 2017

America's Kobayashi Maru?

By Sniffles

This week feels like the darkest one yet since November 8, 2016. The chaos and mayhem that Trump seems to thrive upon is destroying our government's ability to function. Which is probably what the Republicans want in the first place, yes? Or at least, what Grover Norquist wants.

The rest of us 330 million, however, probably feel differently. We'd like our infrastructure to exist, our national parks to be open, our banks to be regulated, our Social Security to be paid, our Medicare to be available, the ACA to be intact, and — oh, by the way — we'd like our safety to be guarded, and not threatened to be blown apart by thermonuclear war with North Korea. Just sayin'.

That aside, it looks like the "tax bill" may pass, so even though three million more Americans voted against stuff like this than voted for it, we may get Obamacare gutted, the middle class and the poor slammed with new taxes, and, in sum, America radically altered — all without Congressional hearings or due diligence — and we haven't even gotten to the subjects of Trump retweeting racist videos and the hollowing out of the State Department.

God, this is just a nightmare.

Is there a ray of hope, anywhere? Will Glinda the Good Witch descend in a bubble and tell us we've always had the power to go back to Kansas?

Well, maybe. There are more of us than of them — and in Virginia, tons of us turned out two and a half weeks ago to say, screw you, Republicans. And so many of those voters were young people — 69 percent — that we think, hey! Trump and the GOP and the haters have awakened a sleeping giant, and they'll get their asses kicked, starting in November 2018.

Hang on to that, folks — and let's keep working our butts off. It isn't easy. The odds are against us and the situation is grim. But it sounds like fun. We cats PURR.

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