Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Crapitol Hill

By Miss Kubelik

We cats have always known that Capitol Hill is a lousy place to work. And not just for the nightmarish stories we've seen in the news lately.

Workspace is cramped. The cost of living in DC is high — but pay is low. Members of Congress guard their healthcare plans and other privileges closely, and refuse to share them. Unless you work for a longtime incumbent, job security can be dodgy — just ask Luther Strange's staff how they're feeling these days. And with the way Republicans are running things — i.e., terribly — we're pretty sure that stress levels are through the roof.

Did we really need to hear that $15 million paid to settle sexual harassment and other claims over the last 10 years?

Ugh. We believe in government, but we know a bad operation when we see one. It makes us wonder how adding a known pedophile to its ranks could debase Congress further. We cats hack up a hairball, and we HISS.

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