Thursday, September 6, 2018

Bring It, Indeed

By Sniffles

How's your week going? If you're not a Trumpster, we'd say pretty well, by comparison.

That's because Benedict Donald and his hapless minions are fighting wars today on multiple fronts: against Bob Woodward, The New York Times, maybe Dan Coats, John McCain (even though he's been dead for a couple of weeks), and one another (who knows what knives they're sticking in each other's backs as they try to smoke out The Times's op-ed writer?). And that's not even counting the badass Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Sheldon Whitehouse, Amy Klobuchar, Dianne Feinstein and Maisie Hirono, in particular, have come out loaded for bear at these Kavanaugh hearings — which we didn't think could get any worse for the GOP than the Brettster turning his back on a Parkland dad. And now Booker has released "committee confidential" emails that clearly demonstrate what a fraud not just Kavanaugh but the entire process is. (On the scale of outrageous violations of Senate norms, how does this document release compare to giving a yearlong middle finger to a highly qualified, duly nominated candidate for a vacant seat on the Supreme Court? Just asking.)

John Cornyn, who never fails to make our skin crawl, sternly tried to warn Booker that releasing the emails could result in his expulsion from the Senate. Oh, the sight of a Southern white man lecturing a New Jerseyite of color! Booker's response was nearly perfect, lacking only the addendum "mofo."

Our main thought at the moment? That the Republicans weren't ready for any of this. They expected their little Kavanaugh ruse — an echo of the "balls and strikes" testimony of John Roberts — to work, and they expected the Democrats to roll over. They obviously had no idea that our folks were scheming so effectively with Chuck Schumer over the Labor Day weekend. To be fair, neither did we. We cats PURR.

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