Tuesday, September 4, 2018

This Is What Happens When You Have A Farmer With No Law Degree Running The Senate Judiciary Committee

By Miss Kubelik

The Kavanaugh circus oops, hearings started today. We cats stand behind our belief that America cannot ever have a Supreme Court justice named "Brett." But aside from that, why do we think things didn't go well for the Trumpsters today? (We say "Trumpsters" instead of "Republicans," because until Jeff Flake or Bob Corker or Susan Collins goes Independent and caucuses with the Democrats, they are all Trump's stooges.)

Anyway, today was a clusterf---. Was it because Judiciary Chair Charles Grassley never got control? Or because the Democratic members not only protested eloquently, they staged a full-scale, strategic assault on the hapless Grassley and his President's execrable nominee? Or maybe it was this moment — an encounter that will live in infamy, when Kavanaugh refused to shake the hand of Fred Guttenberg, the grieving (and vocal) Parkland dad.

And that doesn't even get into the protesters who made noise and rattled the Republicans (particularly Grassley and Orrin Hatch), and were hauled off to the hoosegow for disruption and tweeting about it.

Here's our take: Democratic candidates should be getting all this into an ad, stat. And as for the bumbling Chuck Grassley, let's just say Bruce Braley was right. We cats HISS.

UPDATE, September 5 — Joe Scarborough weighs in on the snub and challenges right-wing nutcases: "Please, please, get on your blog this morning and defend that lack of humanity, because you’re pro-life. Please, come at me. Attack me with your stupid words, because you’re pro-life. Why don’t you just get sucked down into this drain of this inhumane Trump world that we live in right now in politics?"

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