Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Food For Thought

By Baxter

Okay, let us cats say this right off the bat: This will never happen. It'll never happen because we all know why Benedict Donald is defending Brett Kavanaugh to the death. It's all about wanting that "get out of jail free" card when Robert Mueller corners him on the game board.

(Oh, and abortion.)

So allow us to repeat: This will never happen. But just take a second to imagine if it did.

Imagine if Kavanaugh ends up going down in flames and Trump has to pick another nominee. What if he picked Merrick Garland? As we all know, the guy's still available.

And then everyone's heads would explode.

Take Trump's base first: This would probably be the one thing that would make them turn against him. (See "abortion," above.) But when has Trump ever really, truly cared about them? They have no power, no influence, no money, no tanning beds, no teeth. Trump knows he owes his position to Vladimir Putin, the free coverage the media gave him, and the Electoral College — more than all the yahoos in red MAGA hats.

And what about everyone else? — Republicans and Democrats in Congress, Mike Pence? Heck, Mike Pence would have to resign. (That would be a good thing.) Meanwhile, it would totally take the sword out of the Democrats' hands, help right the sinking ship that's the US Senate, and probably stop a lot of the Blue Wave's momentum.

But more than anything, as a completely unexpected, Gerald-Ford-heal-the-nation-type move, it would be stunning, breathtaking, history-book-busting. Trump might not vault to the top of the "best Presidents" lists, but he would certainly move out of last place.

We all know how Benedict Donald likes attention. But since he fears Robert Mueller's investigation more, we'll simply say again: This will never happen. We cats HISS.

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