Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Coup De Maine

By Miss Kubelik

Well, team, here we are again, still in the great state of Maine. Specifically, in the second Congressional District, which — as you can see — is pretty darn big, geographically. Many prominent Mainers have represented it in Congress, including Margaret Chase Smith before she became a Senator. Today its Congressman is Democrat Jared Golden.

Maine CD2 is also making some polling news today: Quinnipiac's latest sample of likely voters there has Joe Biden beating Benedict Donald by nine points, 53 to 44 percent.

This rumbled through the Beltway punditocracy like an earthquake because like Nebraska, Maine adopts the Congressional district approach to awarding Electoral College votes. The winner in each CD gets one electoral vote, and then the statewide winner gets another two. So winning in Maine's (or Nebraska's) second CD can give a Presidential candidate an extra EV, potentially crucial in a tight race.

In 2016, Trump won Maine CD2 by 10 points, 51 to 41. So this is a swing in the Democratic direction of 20 points. Pretty amazing — until you realize that Maine, demographically speaking, is the oldest state in the nation. And between COVID-19 and his threats to Social Security and Medicare, Benedict Donald has been bleeding senior support like crazy. (Heck, even in The Villages in Florida.)

We'd love to see how things are polling in Nebraska CD2. We cats PURR.

P.S. Another Republican suffering in the polls is beleaguered Senator Susan Collins. Quinnipiac has her down 12 points to Democrat Sara Gideon. As we've noted earlier, the Millinocket wedding disaster could be playing into Collins's woes. It's pretty clear that the selfish couple and their foolish guests were following directives from Donald Trump, not Governor Janet Mills. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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