Friday, September 18, 2020


By Sniffles

This is the event we cats have feared ever since the Republicans added Biff the Rapist to the Supreme Court. But now we're thinking it will be the catalyst that will remove Trump.

Did you see the lines of people waiting to vote in Virginia today? Two hours plus — all because folks didn't trust their ballots getting in by mail, and didn't want Benedict Donald to be able to falsely claim victory on Election Night.

Now, those lines, in Virginia and across the nation, just got longer. We cannot allow this horrible President to have three Supreme Court nominations. And maybe we won't. Vote early.

Meanwhile, take it from us: The Senate Republicans did not want this to happen. They were so banking on going along with Benedict Donald without a lot of people noticing that when they heard the news tonight, we're sure they were throwing up.

This is the monkey wrench that Cory Gardner, Martha McSally, and most especially, Susan Collins, were dreading in the run-up to Election Day. Take it from us, they are NOT happy. (And if you want to send some money to Amy McGrath, Mitch McConnell's opponent, click here.)

As Japanese Naval Marshal Yamamoto said after Pearl Harbor: "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve." It's possible that Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death six weeks before Election Day was her best revenge. We cats salute her — for this and for her storied career, and we PURR.

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