Monday, September 28, 2020

Tidbits And Cat Treats: September Surprises Edition

By Baxter

The Washington Post has endorsed Joe Biden for President, not waiting until the debates or even the month of October. After all, what would be the point? As the editorial board declares in its first paragraphs: "In order to expel the worst President of modern times, many voters might be willing to vote for almost anybody. Fortunately, to oust Trump in 2020, voters do not have to lower their standards."

In short, it's been another red-letter day for Benedict Donald. The Trump tax story that The New York Times broke late yesterday afternoon has dominated the day, except maybe for that viral bodycam video of Brad "Weird Beard" Parscale being taken down and handcuffed by cops in his Fort Lauderdale neighborhood. (See above.) It just makes you wonder: How many Trumpsters have been hauled off to the proverbial hoosegow so far? And how many more will be?

Here are a few other things we're following/thinking about.

The Trump campaign is canceling TV ad schedules that had been booked in Iowa and Ohio for September 29-October 5. Neither of those states are in the bag for them at the moment. Bet they could use some of those millions that Weird Beard skimmed away — or the zillions that the RNC and related entities funneled to Trump properties. And why are they canceling ad buys when Trump said he would write a $100 million check to level the playing field? HAHAHAHA

Last week, Dave Wasserman of the Cook Political Report tweeted a list of red counties across the country that he thought Biden had a chance to turn blue. Maricopa County in Arizona was top of the list, no surprise. But Butte County, California, home to the secessionist nutjobs? Seminole County in Florida? That would be a huge red flag for the GOP. Kent County, Michigan? That's Justin Amash's territory. If Trump loses Kent, he can't win the state. Note to Dave: Please revisit your list after the Times story has had a few days to sink in.

Finally, on Sunday afternoon — before the Times published its scoop — NBC/Marist had Biden up by nine in Michigan and 10 in Wisconsin. CBS/YouGov had Biden up by two in North Carolina. We can't wait to see updates once voters digest how much more money they've paid Uncle Sam than Benedict Donald has. (And if you want to calculate it quickly, you can do so courtesy of this handy tool from the Biden campaign. They sure are quick on the draw! We cats PURR.)

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