Sunday, September 27, 2020

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Trump's Taxes Edition

By Sniffles

We just spent 30 minutes reading the New York Times scoop about Benedict Donald's taxes and how he's $421 million in the hole and $100 million of personally guaranteed loans is coming due in 2022 and he only paid $750 in taxes in 2016 and 2017. There's more, but if we told you everything, this post would never end.

Our furry little heads are spinning, but we can share a few thoughts.

Did Trump move to South Florida because of the state's bankruptcy laws? In Florida, your creditors cannot take your house (or your horse, if you've got one). So he can't lose Mar-a-Bad-Taste in a bankruptcy court. But maybe Bill de Blasio can foreclose on Trump Tower for nonpayment of taxes. It's a thought, Mr. Mayor.

Did Vladimir Putin engineer this? A crazy idea, yes, but run with it for a minute. Not that he gave the tax returns directly to the Times. (The guy used to head the Russian CIA, so name your method. DeutscheBank may be involved.) The bottom line is that Putin can read American polls. He knows Trump is going down, and that he's lost enough of the military and law enforcement that he can't stage a coup. So Putin needs to discredit him post-January-20 so he can groom his next puppet. Tom Cotton? Josh Hawley? The mind reels.

Remember how Moose & Squirrel delayed moving to the White House so she could force Benedict Donald to renegotiate their prenup? Whatever she got him to agree to, it's probably mostly worthless now. Count the silverware and the towels at noon on January 20.

Meanwhile, on the non-tax-return front, Brad "Weird Beard" Parscale has Baker Acted himself into a South Florida hospital after apparently threatening to shoot himself. We want to know why Weird Beard, who supposedly was making so much money from the Trump campaign, would want to do such a thing. What did the campaign manager know, and when did he know it? And is Vladimir Putin involved?

Finally, we turn to a Republican for the best smackdown comment on Trump's taxes (although Jason Kander's "He's broke, he lives in our house, and he's been stealing from us" wasn't bad). As David Frum observes: "It says right in the prayerbook that Yom Kippur is the day that God smites deceivers, wrongdoers and criminals." We know there's more to come, but for now, 'nuff said. We cats PURR.

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