Monday, November 30, 2020

Can't See The Forest.

By Sniffles

We just heard that 2020's version of Josef Mengele, Scott Atlas, has resigned as White House coronavirus adviser. It's never been clear why a radiologist would be advising the Executive Branch on a viral pandemic, but you also have to wonder: Benedict Donald is so checked out, either spending hours on the golf course or ranting over the phone about the election... will he notice?

Nobody knows what the future holds for Atlas, a.k.a. Mr. Herd Immunity, but we sincerely hope Stanford University will distance itself even further from him. He is a disgrace. Maybe some whacky Trump-loving Governor in, say, North or South Dakota will hire him as a COVID adviser, but one thing's for sure: He'd never qualify to be a Walmart greeter (and mask enforcer). Sorry, Scott!

Meanwhile, Moose & Squirrel has unveiled the last holiday decorations she'll ever do at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and thank God for that. Like the Trumpsters we just blogged about who adorn their homes with multiple flags, Melania clearly just doesn't know when to stop. We cats look forward to January 20, after which the White House can return to a blessed state of spare elegance. And we HISS.

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