Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Simple Logic


By Baxter

"I smell a coverup, not a coup," tweets former FBI special agent Asha Rangappa,who believes that the delay in authorizing GSA funding for the Presidential transition — which would provide Team Biden with access to intel — is to give the Trumpsters time to erase their tracks in the Ukraine shakedown. (Which, as you'll recall, involved Benedict Donald attempting to blackmail the Ukraine President to dirty up the Democratic candidate he most feared — Joe Biden.)

Just thinking of all the Trumpian perfidy that will come to light after January 20 makes our tails fat and our fur stand on end. There appears to be no end to it — no bottom to the barrel that Benedict Donald and his merry band of grifters and traitors are willing to scrape.

Meanwhile, not that we'll ever believe another poll again, but a new one from Reuters/Ipsos reveals that 79 percent of respondents say Joe Biden won the election. Only 3 percent think Trump won. You gotta wonder about that 3 percent — and why a pollster would even have to survey the question in the first place. But such is the world we live in.

We cats have been pretty annoyed these last few days by the Republicans' petulant, anti-democratic behavior. Let's hope that it only destroys their party and not the country. The administration's lack of cooperation on the transition and Trump's beheading of the Pentagon and intelligence community leadership puts America at risk. But to them, covering up their crimes is vastly more important. We cats want them all in jail, and we HISS.

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