Monday, November 2, 2020

Closing Arguments

By Miss Kubelik

Team Biden is ending its 2020 Presidential campaign with a host of uplifting messages: Americans can do anything they put their minds to. We have tough jobs ahead on COVID, racial justice, climate and the economy, but we can rise to the occasion. We won World War II and landed on the moon. We won the Cold War. We are better than Trump says we are. Vote for America.

Here, by contrast, are Benedict Donald's:

1. We know we can't win fair and square, so we're going to suppress the vote and try to get ballots thrown out.

2. Traffic jams. 

Yep, traffic jams. Last week, Trumpsters tried to run a Biden-Harris bus off the road in Texas. (The FBI is investigating, but first Trump and then jackasses like Marco Rubio egged them on.) Then, over the weekend Trump caravans stopped traffic on the Garden State Parkway and on the Tappan Zee Bridge. Rumors flew that they would try the same thing outside of Olympia, Washington. These people are incredibly stupid to be doing stuff like this in states with Democratic Governors.

You'll note that Hunter Biden's laptop doesn't rank as a Trump closing message. That's because, unlike in 2016 with Hillary Clinton's emails, the media aren't buying it. It's partly because the story is bullsh*t, and partly because criminals and buffoons like Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani are pushing it. (And Sacha Baron Cohen sure helped "expose" Rudy on the buffoon front.)

We'll take uplifting over perfidy and chaos, thank you. We cats send good vibes to Biden, and we PURR.

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