Sunday, June 13, 2021

Unknown Unknowns

By Sniffles

To paraphrase Harry Truman, the only thing new under the sun is the Trump treason we don't yet know.

We're getting this feeling because more stuff is coming out. This past week we learned about a wide breakdown of intelligence among government agencies, the military and law enforcement in the run-up to January 6. Who was behind it? We also found out that Benedict Donald's Justice Department targeted Democrats like Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, forcing Apple to hand over data from their accounts. (Then-Senator Kamala Harris's grilling of AG nominee Bill Barr in 2019 is taking on new meaning. Watch him dodge and weave.)

Now, it's becoming clear that it wasn't just Democrats. The Trumpsters went after Apple data from White House counsel Don McGahn and his wife in 2018. Hmmm.

And look who was part of the insurrectionist mob at the Capitol! (See photo, above.) Yep, that's former Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who when he was in office did an able job of representing Vladimir Putin's Russia — his own California district, not so much. Makes you think a little harder about Republicans who may have given pre-January 6 tours or guided the Trumpsters around the building once they got in, doesn't it?

What other shoes are going to drop? Don't ask. There are reports about a Trumpy "war room" at the Willard Hotel that served as Insurrectionist Central. Yes, it's only on Twitter at the moment, but stories like this have a habit of surfacing there first and then getting confirmed. Brrr.

With all this and more coming out, we wonder how our country managed to stay a democracy in the last four years. And who knows what we'll know by this time next year? We cats HISS.

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