Friday, October 15, 2021

Acting Like Babies

By Sniffles

We cats admit it: We had a politically incorrect reaction to the news that Pete Buttigieg has gone on paternity leave.

WHAT?!?!?!? The Secretary of Transportation is going on leave when the Build Back Better bill is still under debate in Congress??? Isn't he in the key Cabinet position to lobby for this legislation? Get us the smelling salts, please.

But as always, the ridicule that the right wing jackasses heaped on Buttigieg brought us around to our senses. First, it seems to us like there are more important stories today. Because even if Mayor Pete is on leave, he has a staff and a structure that will support the department in his absence. And since the infrastructure bill doesn't seem to be going anywhere for the moment, he might as well bond with his children.

Which brings us to the overall question at hand: Why aren't things happening fast?

Perhaps we all got spoiled by how swiftly Team Biden took the pandemic in hand. Perhaps we've just been conditioned by reality TV (and other TV) to expect a quick resolution — or at least, a declaration of "You're fired!" You know what? Life is not like that. And most especially, government is not like that, either.

Which means that the charge of criminal contempt against Steve Bannon won't happen until Tuesday, and the negotiations about the Biden agenda will continue, day after day, week after week. You got a problem with that? Would you rather live in Russia, or Hungary, or Poland? We think not. We cats counsel patience, and we PURR.

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