Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Volcanic About The Vaccine

By Sniffles

We cats don't have kittens, but we've heard lots of rumblings about MAGA-y parents and other nutcases who are extremely upset about COVID-related mandates for schools — not just masks, but also vaccines. In California, Gavin Newsom has blown their minds by being the first Governor to require the COVID shot for any student 12 and older.

One Californian, in fact, has gone viral (at least, in our corner of the Twitterverse), by uploading a video of himself screaming in rage about the vaccine mandate as he sits in his car. Thankfully, the car seems to be stationary at the time of recording.

We're not re-posting the video because this person is an asshole, and we refuse to give him more oxygen. He doesn't understand that thanks to a 1905 Supreme Court decision, states have the right to institute compulsory vaccines for children to attend school. (It wasn't a close vote, either: seven to two.) In fact, back in the day, the apoplectic California dude probably had to get a slew of vaccines to go to school himself. (See above.)

You know what? Vaccines are good. They've contributed the most to the incredible leap in human life spans over the last 200 years — even more than public health measures like infrastructure for sanitation and clean water. What's not good is the scary anger that you see in the video.

If California Man does this to a faceless camera from behind the wheel, what does he do to his children when the family is home and the curtains are drawn? We sure hope there aren't any pets in the house, either. We cats shudder, and we HISS.

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