Monday, October 25, 2021

Virginia Visions

By Zamboni

The political media's yawning over the alarming revelations that keep coming out about January 6 is hair-raising and tail-fattening. It's doubly disturbing because it's intrepid reporting — from Peril to The Washington Post's Willard Hotel piece to, most recently, Rolling Stone — that's lifting the lid on these very scary stories. Maybe other media outlets are jealous of the scoops?

Whatever the reason, it's a not-very-reassuring predictor of how the press is bound to handle Election Night in Virginia.

The early returns will come from small precincts in southwestern and rural parts of the state. Which means that even with zero percent of the vote officially counted, Glenn Youngkin will take a lead. Later, when Youngkin's lead is overtaken by returns from Arlington, Fairfax, Loudon, Prince William and Alexandria counties, Benedict Donald will issue a statement (since, thank God, he can't tweet any more). He'll say that it will be proof that the election is being stolen.

You know, just know, that some reporters or talking heads will cover Trump's bleating without pointing out that a precinct in Northern Virginia with 5,000 voters takes longer to count than a 125-voter precinct in Roanoke. When that happens, they should be booted off the air and banned from journalism forever.

In fact, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison should make the rounds of the Sunday shows this weekend and make this very prediction. There's no getting through to Trump, but maybe some in the press will listen. That would make us cats PURR.

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