Friday, October 22, 2021

Terry Time

By Baxter

We cats are skepticacious as to whether the Virginia gubernatorial race is truly neck and neck. As we've noted, accurate polls are few and far between these days.

Nevertheless, Virginia is an important state, and it's good that many Democratic heavy hitters have campaigned there for Terry McAuliffe. Vice President Harris and President Biden are just the latest — and it's great. We're in an off-year election, and if Democratic stars will help goose Democratic turnout, all the better.

What drives us crazy is the media's willingness to call this a horse race, and their refusal to hold Glenn "Trumpkin's" feet to the fire on his extreme, pro-Trump positions. We have yet to understand how Youngkin sucking up to the MAGA base will help him in Arlington, Fairfax, Fauquier, Prince William and Loudon counties. Yet at the same time, if McAuliffe wins, the media will simply brush it off with "Well, Democrats always win Virginia these days."

Oh, well. Since we know that we can only count on ourselves, consider sending some support Terry McAuliffe's way. We cats PURR.

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