Thursday, December 30, 2021

Credit Where Credit Is Due

By Zamboni

The news business is in the toilet. The only thing that matters is money, via clicks and likes and shares. Which means that Michelle Wolf's brutal and brilliant stand-up performance at the 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner was exactly right: Journalists love Donald Trump. He was, and is, their gravy train.

And the media probably can't wait for Benedict Donald's January 6 press conference at Mar-a-Lago next week. It won't be a "press conference," of course — it'll be a hours-long, wounded, self-pitying, nonsensical diatribe, with no questions allowed. It shouldn't be given a second of airtime. But sadly, the coverage will no doubt be wall-to-wall.

Meanwhile, the media's take on the Biden Administration has been unbelievably negative. After all, why recognize the accomplishments of the current President when you can get loads of eyeballs aiding and abetting his predecessor, the democracy destroyer?

But some of the pundit class are starting to come around. Here are a few observations by Norman Ornstein to help us close 2021. And if you have a platform, please amplify them.

"If we had said at Biden's inaugural that after his first year, with a 50-50 Senate and a margin of three or four in the House, the result would be $3 trillion in COVID relief and infrastructure, the best economic performance in 40 years, and a historic set of judicial confirmations, the common reaction would have been, 'Impossible!' ...No one should discount these quite remarkable achievements against multiple headwinds." We cats PURR.

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