Friday, January 21, 2022

Don't Tell Them, But...

By Sniffles

The media are focused on how badly the Biden Administration is doing, but we cats find that odd. Team Biden is in kinda okay shape. But if your name is Donald Trump, you've had a terrible week.

Can we all agree that the walls are closing in?

Trump has lost at the Supreme Court, and all the documents he wanted to keep secret — and, apparently, outtakes from his Rose Garden video on January 6 — have been transferred from the National Archives to the January 6th Committee. New York Attorney General Tish James is alleging fraud at the Trump Organization, and Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Wallis has asked to convene a grand jury into Benedict Donald's attempts to undermine the 2020 election.

Somebody, somewhere, is going to indict Donald Trump. The fact that in two of the cases, it could be an African-American woman doing the indicting, is particularly delicious.

'Cuz, see, the Republicans are being particularly shamelessly open about their racism. Their refusal to advance voting rights in the US Senate is shameful, considering the GOP's support of the VRA in the recent past. And of course Mitch McConnell's blatant racism this week encapsulates the entire GOP position on the issue. As far as the Republican Party — the Party of Lincoln, for goodness sake — is concerned, if you're African-American, you don't count. (Memo to Mitch: Since we vote like a lot of Black Americans do, we just want you to know, our votes count, too.)

The mainstream media look upon all this and proclaim us as a nation hopelessly divided. But you know what would unite us? Indicting, arresting and frogmarching somebody for the Trumpy outrages against American democracy. That would make us cats PURR.

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