Friday, January 14, 2022

Game, Set, Match, Biden PPO

By Sniffles

In the category of "Things That Are A Whole Lot Better But Don't Necessarily Get Noticed" department, here is Exhibit A from our old office in the Jimmy Carter White House.

This Trump-appointed dude, Darren Beattie, trumpeted the lie that the FBI planted agents in the mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6. Team Biden has demanded his resignation from the US Commission on the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad.

It seems pretty clear that since the Trumpy insurrection has contributed to the decline of America's standing in the world, anyone who supports the insurrection should be forthwith dispatched from said commission. The fact that Biden's PPO team has lowered the boom so ruthlessly is just icing on the cake.

Make no mistake: The Biden Administration is rooting out these Trumpster fools. No, it doesn't happen overnight. But that's how democracies work. We cats PURR.

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