Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Cat Fight! Steve Schmidt vs. Meghan McCain (vs. Sarah Palin vs. Et. Al.)

By Zamboni

In a week that gets more alarming by the minute, the recent, barn-burning Twitter fight between Steve Schmidt and Meghan McCain has been a welcome diversion.

Unfortunately, it's only part of a saga in which Schmidt has decided to simply vomit up everything he's been holding back for the last 14 years — about John McCain's duplicity about his personal life, and an apparent Russian infiltration of the 2008 nominee's campaign via its manager, Rick Davis. You read that right: If you thought it all started in 2016 with Trump, it didn't.

The media, however, with a big helping hand from The New York Times, have chosen to focus on the duplicity over the Russia stuff. But according to Schmidt, McCain did have the affair that he, Schmidt, lied on his behalf to the press about. McCain did look the other way as Davis advanced Russian interests with campaign deciders. And brave POW McCain was, yes, scared to death of Sarah Palin.

It's hard to wrap your head around the whole, messy story if you first stumbled across it this past weekend, as Schmidt and Meghan began to tweet each other to shreds. It kicked off after Schmidt, who clearly had already decided to offload his McCain-related psychic burdens, reacted to the news that Meghan's stupid "memoir," Bad Republican, had only sold 244 copies. After that, they were off to the races. But since Schmidt's gift of turning a phrase is only bested on social media by the elfin wickedness of Rick Wilson, Meghan never had a chance.

People are asking Schmidt if he's worried about seeming unhinged. He said no, and he's more than capable of defending himself. But check out this photo of Meghan with her failed memoir propped up against her father's gravestone. Who's the unhinged one here? We cats HISS.

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