Tuesday, May 3, 2022

"We Have Awakened A Sleeping Giant"

By Zamboni

In the latest installment of Hillary Clinton Was Right About Everything, a leaked draft opinion by the detestable Samuel Alito set all of our TVs and social media on fire last night. And in a wild coincidence, the "Word.A.Day" that landed in our email inbox this morning was "omnishambles." (See "Court, Supreme." See also "Roberts, John.")

Yep, the SCOTUS leak is a stunner all right. This has never happened in history, and the explosion you just heard came from First Street, NE, right across from the Capitol building. Our theory: The culprit is a hard-right clerk or assistant to Clarence Thomas, Amy Coathanger or Biff, blabbing to POLITICO in the hope it would energize Republican voters to elect the Trumpiest candidates in this month's primary elections. (Of course, that would set the GOP up for a wipeout in November, but remember, they don't believe that.)

As for the upcoming decision itself, lots of blame to go around. Let's go back to Bush v. Gore, which happened thanks to idiots who voted for Ralph Nader — enough to tip the balance in Florida. Their objection? Al Gore was too orange (before it became fashionable in Republican circles) and sighed too much in a debate. On such trivia the rights — and lives — of American women can rest.

It also may be fair to criticize Barack Obama, for presiding over the statehouse disasters of 2010 and 2014, and for not fighting harder for Merrick Garland's nomination. And of course all the Bernie Bros and liberal losers who sat on their hands in November 2016 because they couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hillary.

But okay, enough of that. Let's accentuate the positive instead. None of us want Roe to go, but if it has to — and given the makeup of this Court, you know it will — it's good that it happened this way. Instead of a bombshell detonating at the end of June and driving everyone into the streets in protest, it's blown up in early May. That gives us two extra months to mobilize and organize for the midterms.

Sadly, no matter what the January 6 Committee hearings reveal this summer, it's not a given that Americans will feel urgently enough about protecting democracy to vote Democratic this year. The workings of government can seem removed from their daily experience. But outlawing abortion, and after that, contraception, privacy, interracial marriage and marriage equality? That people can understand. So let's get going, folks: We have a busy six months ahead of us. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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